Docker Behind Proxy
Configuring docker proxy needs understanding of systemd, this page in digitalocean is a very nice one to start from. In docker official docs, the different situations of envolving docker daemon and/or docker containers are not well separated. Here we make that straight.
Proxy for docker daemon
The command that involves docker daemon itself is the docker pull
. This works with Docker version 18.09.6 in Ubuntu18.04, which uses systemd to manage docker daemon:
- Create a systemd drop-in directory for the Docker service, which take precedence before the
mkdir /etc/systemd/system/docker.service.d tee /etc/systemd/system/docker.service.d/proxy.conf << EOF [Service] Environment="HTTP_PROXY=" Environment="HTTPS_PROXY=" Environment="NO_PROXY=localhost,,192.168.*.*,172.16.*.*,172.31.*.*,10.*.*.*" EOF systemctl daemon-reload systemctl restart docker
- Veryfiy it by running
docker info | grep -i proxy
Proxy for running docker containers
- Make docker containers uses proxy, this is for
docker build
,docker run
etc.mkdir ~/.docker/ sudo tee ~/.docker/config.json << EOF { "proxies": { "default": { "httpProxy": "", "httpsProxy": "", "noProxy": "localhost,,192.168.*.*,172.16.*.*,172.31.*.*,10.*.*.*" } } } EOF sudo systemctl restart docker